Friday, September 5, 2008

Katy Peters Shoot

I'm behind on posting, this was actually a while back. I have a few posts waiting to be written, but I figured the blog needed some people. ..and who better than Katy.

Katy is a friend of Sarah's. Sarah was actually the one who set this shoot up, only to have me come along to assist her. But I couldn't resist shooting some of my own, and so we had one big super shoot. A link to sarah's pictures in the jump.

Katy in the right picture for some reason looks like a blast from the past, the hair style, gold jewelry, purple graffiti, and such. I can't dial in the year, but it was def around when I was born.
You old folks, (jason) can help me out.

this is now one of my fav headshots.


it's been a while since one of these little videos. more to come. Spanish music because Katy is obsessed with spanish. Spanish major, trips to spain, speaking in the language as much as possible, etc.

See more pictures in my facebook album
See the pics sarah, my fiance, got in her blog post

-Jonny Carroll

jdonut photography, LLC
Dallas Aerial Photography
We Make Virtual Tours
Denton Wedding Photography
UNT Photography

1 comment:

Tre Lathon said...

Cool stuff, man. Love the vid.