My account has been disabled by an administrator, without warning and without explanation. If you don't see me on there, that is why.
I'm bewildered, I've emailed them twice now, called, and still no reply. From researching online, this doesn't seem uncommon... Hopefully I will be back up and running. There were so many photos, messages, posts, notes, and memories in that network that would be so horrible to loose forever. Not to mention the social networking, friends and contacts I've made and met, etc.
I'm really hoping for it back or at least an explanation. I honestly did not knowingly violate any terms and am very regretful if I did violate any of their terms.
-Jonny Carroll 'Donut'
june 22, 2005 - jan 26, 2009
Be pulling for me / my account.
Let this also be a lesson to everyone to never put all your faith into technology.